Sunday, 29 July 2007

and also July is gone....

August, full summer...and for me it's not started yet!

over 64 days of rain, every single day....

over 2 months of stress...

something is changing...

Job, first of all, it's a very good news that after almost 2 years I managed to enter to Ibm from the maindoor.
New job, didn't started it yet, I have 6 weeks of training, that means 6 weeks doing absolutely nothing, or actually playing and still being paid, not bad at all!

House, there might be a change there as well... this house was perfect at the beginning, a house with the garden and big rooms.
Flatmates were excellent, then it came a small afro indian milanese little bastard who rented his room without telling us anything (luckly to a finnish couple - therefore reliable)
Anyway, this is another chapter that will be ending soon, hopefully..

Vacation, ok, I couldn't have a real holiday, due to the new job, there is still time anyway..
Might go somewhere hot on holidays during the winter while everyone will be freezing here in Europe :P

Where I am sure I wanna go is ----> Salzburg!

1 comment:

Kev Cruz said...

Hello Paola...I like rain! It's wet!